Getting started in InfoSec (A series)

When I started my career in Cyber Security several years ago, I had a hard time getting into a position within my company. I sought all kinds of advice from folks that were in various positions within InfoSec to see what I should be doing to make myself a candidate worth hiring.

It was frustrating to apply to numerous positions and maybe get one or two interviews but quickly get passed over for someone with some experience that I didn’t have. Patience is definitely something that I had to learn. It didn’t help that I was burned out in my current role, but I kept pushing forward.

I wanted to detail how I landed my position and provide some advice to those who may be in the same situation and may be getting discouraged. Don’t give up! Good things come to those who show persistence and patience, especially in this field.

“I’ve learned that fear limits you and your vision. It serves as blinders to what may be just a few steps down the road for you. The journey is valuable, but believing in your talents, your abilities, and your self-worth can empower you to walk down an even brighter path. Transforming fear into freedom – how great is that?”

– Soledad O’Brien

Where to begin?

Let’s first identify the posts in this series so that you understand what each will discuss.

Part 1 – Understanding InfoSec, getting the foundations, and identifying what role you’re looking for.
Part 2 – The networking edition, no, not computer networking. People networking. Try to get some face time, interaction, or job shadowing time. How soft skills are vital to a successful InfoSec career.
Part 3 – The skills. Starting with the fundamentals and building yourself a career map. A retouch on soft skills.
Part 4 – Selling yourself in an interview. What are things that managers (and teams) look for when conducting interviews?
Part 5 – The follow-through. What to do once you land the role? Hint Don’t let off the gas pedal!
Part 6 – Resources to assist you throughout your journey.

Stay tuned for Part 1!

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